How to Improve Technical Interviews

Photo by Yan Krukov:

Interviews that focus on technical skills are sometimes referred to as technical interviews or coding interviews. Candidates are scored on their ability to perform key skills through individual assignments, sometimes referred to as coding questions.

Interviewers and interviewees talk about the actual coding during a technical interview, which distinguishes it from a screening assessment. In the context of answering questions and coding, candidates discuss their problem-solving approach with interviewers.

An interviewer assesses a candidate’s problem-solving skills and technical proficiency. As well they can test whether the candidate is capable of navigating a complete application environment, designing systems, translating log messages, and interacting with the environment interchangeably with command-line, IDE, and browser interfaces. Furthermore, they give a glimpse into soft skills, like the candidate’s ability to collaborate or communicate.

We’ve come up with a few strategies that will improve your technical interview processes.

So, let’s dive in.

· Try to come up with relevant questions that fit the job title you are recruiting for.

Many candidates complain that coding interviews aren’t relevant to the job for which they are interviewing. Perhaps that’s true. Despite the technical skills required to solve algorithm challenges about binary trees, few developers and engineers need to practice these skills on a regular basis. Consequently, developers memorize algorithmic concepts like greedy algorithms and dynamic programming. The problem is that they forget them once they land a job where they won’t have to use those algorithms without any documentation or resources. A typical developer who is years removed from the academic setting where algorithms are taught will find this to be particularly difficult. The challenge can be solved by using problem-solving questions based on the skills required for the role.

· Set a time limit for your interviews

It is important to balance interview duration carefully.

A short interview will not give the candidate enough time to answer questions. Their performance can be stressed as a result, or they may even feel unfairly evaluated.

On the other hand, if the interview is too long, it can be a burden on both the candidate and the interviewer.

An interview’s ideal duration depends on a variety of factors, including the company, the position, the skills being assessed, and even the candidate.

· Use advanced technologies in the interviewing process

An organization hiring developers to work on innovative tech should use interview tools that demonstrate that commitment. There is no doubt that technical teams in every industry agree on this. Many companies are using technical interview platforms to level up their interview tech and create a better hiring experience for developers.

Final thoughts

We can be sure that the next iteration of the tech interview will not be the last. Technical teams will once again rebuild their hiring processes in the near future, comparing algorithm challenges to trivia questions that preceded them in terms of tools and interview formats.

There is a possibility that technical interviews will disappear in the future. Coding projects can replace resumes, providing the hiring team with all the proof they need of a developer’s skill. Although we haven’t reached that future yet, it’s exciting to think about what may come next.