Types, Methods, and Styles of Interviews


Interviews are a crucial part of the hiring process, as they allow employers to assess a candidate’s qualifications, experience, and fit for the job. Interviews can take on many different forms, depending on the type of job, the company’s culture, and the preferences of the interviewer. In this article, we’ll explore some of the different types, methods, and styles of interviews.

Types of Interviews

Screening Interviews: These are brief interviews conducted to evaluate the candidate’s fit for the position. They are usually conducted over the phone or via video conferencing.
Behavioral Interviews: These interviews focus on the candidate’s past behavior to predict their future behavior. The interviewer will ask the candidate to provide examples of how they handled specific situations in the past.
Technical Interviews: These interviews assess a candidate’s technical skills and knowledge. They may include coding challenges or problem-solving exercises.
Group Interviews: These interviews involve multiple candidates and multiple interviewers. They may include group discussions or problem-solving exercises to evaluate how candidates interact with others.

Methods of Interviews

One-on-One Interviews: These are traditional interviews where the candidate meets with one interviewer at a time. They are more personal and allow for a deeper conversation.
Panel Interviews: These interviews involve multiple interviewers asking questions at the same time. They allow for a more diverse range of questions and opinions.
Sequential Interviews: These interviews involve multiple rounds of interviews, where the candidate meets with different interviewers in each round. They may include different types of interviews, such as technical or behavioral interviews.

Styles of Interviews

Formal Interviews: These interviews follow a strict format and are typically conducted in an office or conference room. They are often more structured and may include a set of standardized questions.
Casual Interviews: These interviews may be conducted over coffee or in a more informal setting. They may be less structured and allow for a more relaxed conversation.
Stress Interviews: These interviews are designed to put the candidate under pressure to evaluate their ability to handle stress. They may include rapid-fire questioning, negative feedback, or other stressful situations.


Interviews are a critical part of the hiring process, and understanding the different types, methods, and styles of interviews can help employers conduct more effective interviews and select the best candidate for the job. By tailoring the interview to the position and the company’s culture, employers can ensure that they find the best candidate for the job and build a strong team.